If easy process communication, coordination, parallel computing, syncronisation and more, is what you seek - then the powerfull inforistaspace shared memory structure is ready to help you.
I made this special build of a tuplespace to facilitate easier process communication, notification and distributed computing.
Kind regards, Ulrik Vendelbo
Copyright 2023 - you are not allowed to copy, use, sell or anytning without my explicit aprovement.
Tuple format
What is a tuple, and how to use it. A tuple is a data structure with one or more elements like {element1, element2, element3, elementN} an element can be whatever you decide, a list, a string, an integer, a boolean, a tuple, a bitsyntax etc ..
Identical tuples, there is no limit on how many times the same unike tuple can be put into, out’ed (saved), to the inforistaspace.
Template search with '?'
Wrong datatypes and errors; just try, the system will automatically give you an error if the values you put in the tuples is not allowed. Reserved symbol is '?' .. used for search.
Relevans value, to automatically remove tuples after some time or make "scent" based systems
API interface
API https secure
Encryption of tuple data?
Consistency - Atomic and Isolated
Use of priority value
Inforistaspace operations
Writes a tuple to inforistaspace ex. out({a,b})
Writes a tuple to inforistaspace with priority value ex. out([{a,b},1000])
Looks into inforistaspace for a tuple, if found remove the tuple from inforistaspace ex. in({a,b,alphabet}) or in({a,?,?}), else block calling process until tuple maybe later shows up.
Blocking operation
Template search allowed
Removes a tuple from inforistaespace, return false, if no tuple is found.
Template search allowed
Blocking operation - read the value of a tuple in inforistaspace.
Template search allowed
Read the value of a tuple in inforistaspace, return false if no tuple is found.
Template search allowed
Blocking operation blocks until tuple disappears from inforistaspace. Return true when tuple disappears.
Blocking operation - return value from first tuple there is matching the find() statement ex. find({?,horse,?}) returns the first tuple of length 3 and where the second value is horse.
Template search allowed
Return value from first tuple there is matching the find() statement ex. find({invoice,?}) returns the first tuple of length 2 and where the first value is "invoice". Returns false if no tuple is found.
Template search allowed
Returns a list of all the tuples in inforistaspace where the search match ex. findall({invoice, ?, company, ?, amount}), returns false if no tuple is found. Returns the tuple {all_found_false, {first 1000 found tuples}} or {all_found_true, {all found tuples}}
Template search allowed
Returns a list of the tuples in inforistaspace where the priority value is between the search pattern. Ex. findpriority({100,2000}) .. returns the tuples where priority value is equal to or greather than 100 and less than or equal to 2000. If no tuples is found, false, is returned.
Blocking operation - wait for two or more tuples to be simultaneously present in inforistaspace ex. co({a,b}, {invoice, company, 12}). When all is present at the same time, return true.
Blocking operation - wait for two or more tuples not to be simultaneously present in inforistaspace ex. notco([{invoice, 123}, {a}, {start}]). When not all is present at same time then return "true".
Blocking operation - wait for none of the tuple is present ex. antico([{tuple1}, {tuple2}, {tuple3}]), return "true" when all tuples in the list is not there.
Blocking operation - at least two tuples present, return "true" if two or more tuples is present.
Inforistaspace handling
Starts up a new inforistaspace.
Save a copy of the running inforistaspace to disk.
Read a inforistaspace file from disk into ram and make the system ready to use this inforistaspace.
Delete existing inforistaspace files from disk.
setting inforistaspace to use disk instead of ram.
return the total amount of tuples in tuplespace.
show global statistic for the inforistaspace.
Examples of use
Master Worker tasks (parallel computing)
Alert system
Process coordination
Internet of things
Supply chain coordination
As a database system
Load balancing system
Distributed data structure
eg. a two dimmensional array A can be made by a series of tuples such as:
{A,1,1,(element data)}
{A,1,2,(element data)}
{A,2,1,(element data)}
{A,2,2,(element data)}
Fault tolerance
se downloaded fil (papers folderen): Using mobile code to provide fault tolerance in tuple space based coordination languages.pdf
Out a tuple with priorty seconds, then Antird() the same tuple to get noticed when it disapears.
# Jobs to do #
Observation: out() tuple takes longer time if it dont already exist, but if it exist already then it is very, very, fast! :-)
tjek for faster implementation?
later, test how slow the inforistaspace will be if it works directly with ets disk tables and not just in ram
NOTE: if many tuples of same length then the list in tuple_length table will get very long .. maybe an performance issue when searching for a tuple with this length?
Remember: communication is the root cause!!!! For everything!!!!!
Communication can be shown by actions
Interaction is a way of communication
Knowledge is shared by communicating
What is good communication
What is bad communication
How to improve communication in an accepted positive way
Misunderstanding is because of unclear communication / lak of information / corrupted information
Beliefs is shared by communication - why is beliefs often to easily accepted (includes religion)
Why is beliefs stronger in a group or society, why can it be hard to question beliefs
How can (automated) communication enrich our lives
In nature communication is a fundamental property - animals, mushrooms all communicate
Percieved communication
Bodily communication loss and ageging
How to improve your daily communication
Communication as a wepon
Change of belief - one needs accesibility to other beliefs to be able to change/question ones outlook
Communication channels / mediums
Exchange of services by communication
Communication is an exchange of information packets
Communication efficiency, cost, versatility and resilience
Truth in communication